Welcome to 11 Jason Crt a 3 bed/2 bath colonial nestled in the heart of Arlington. Tucked away from the main street this home offers privacy like no other. As you walk in you will find yourself in the cozy living room with beamed ceilings and a wood-burning fireplace surrounded by gorgeous built-ins. Off the living room is the formal dining room equipped with a ceiling fan. The dining room leads up to the kitchen which is recently renovated with new cabinets, granite countertops, and SS appliances. A cozy built-in breakfast nook completes the look. On the second floor is the master bed with a full master bath. There are 2 additional beds on this level, one of which is leading up to a spacious deck. On the 3rd level is a large finished attic and the 2nd bath. The bonus space is ideal for a guest suite or home office. This unbeatable location is a short stroll from Menotomy Rock Park, Robbins Library & Townhall and Whole Foods & Tatte bakery, and just a 6-min drive to Alewife T Station.

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